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The Goodwill Excel Center in Baltimore is on a mission to transform lives through education, offering adult learners a fresh start with the opportunity to earn their high school diploma. Adult students often come back to school with a rich tapestry of experiences and challenges that make them who they are. Recognizing these unique nuances, we tailor our programs to meet the diverse needs of adult learners.

So, what sets adult learners apart? Let’s delve in…

  • Life Experiences: Adult learners often return to pursue an education after years of life experience, from following different career paths to balancing family responsibilities and financial obligations. This contrasts with traditional students, who are typically younger and have limited life experience outside of school. Adult learners’ diverse backgrounds contribute to the unique perspectives and motivations they bring into the classroom. 


  • Motivation and Goals: Adult learners are often driven by specific goals such as career advancement, personal development, or fulfilling a lifelong aspiration. Choosing to return to high school is a big decision for adult learners. This often leads them to have strong motivations and goals that guide their educational journey. Unlike traditional students, who may still be exploring newfound interests and possible career paths, adult learners typically have a clearer sense of purpose and direction. 


  • Learning Styles: Adult learners also exhibit distinct learning styles compared to traditional students. Younger students tend to thrive in a traditional structured classroom environment, whereas adult learners often prefer a more flexible approach to learning. Adult learners have also typically developed their own unique problem-solving and critical-thinking skills by the time they return to school and appreciate flexibility in scheduling, the ability to study at their own pace, and opportunities for hands-on learning.


  • Support Systems: Adult learners often face multiple challenges balancing academic responsibilities with work, family, and other existing commitments.  Therefore, adult learners might require additional support services such as child care assistance, financial aid guidance, academic advising, life coaching, and career counseling. Traditional students also benefit from support systems but may rely more on parents and peers. 

Adult learners and traditional students bring different perspectives, motivations, and learning preferences to the classroom. Institutions offering adult education must acknowledge and adapt to these differences to support their students effectively. The Baltimore Goodwill Excel Center does just that. Through flexible learning options, relevant curriculum content, and comprehensive support services, we are committed to meeting the unique needs of adult learners.