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How is The Goodwill Excel Center Adult High School Different from other adult education?

  • We award Maryland State High School Diplomas using MSDE approved curriculum.
  • We focus on adults in need of a high school diploma.
  • Our students graduate with industry recognized certifications or college credits.
  • Free, on-site childcare is available by reservation for enrolled students while they are attending class.
  • Transportation assistance is available for students who demonstrate need.
  • Classes are offered four days a week, with optional support available on Fridays.

When do classes start?

New eight-week terms are added continuously on a rolling basis, culminating to five terms a year.

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What is the admissions process?

  1. Complete the Online Application
    Students interested in the Goodwill Excel Center should complete the online application.
  2. Provide Transcript(s) From ALL Attended High Schools
    If you have difficulty obtaining your transcript, please reach out to our registrar, Ari, at, for assistance.
  3. Attend an iExcel Orientation and Complete a Math & Literacy Placement Assessment
    Upon completion of the placement tests, applicants will meet with a member of our coaching team to determine the best schedule to match the student’s availability.

What is a Life Coach?

We recognize that our students may come to us with life’s challenges. As part of the enrollment process, Life Coaches are assigned to support our students and identify barrier-removing solutions to help complete their education. Students will have regular contact with their coaches throughout the term.

How long will it take for me to get my high school diploma?

  • The time it takes to complete the program varies from student to student, depending on factors such as the number of high school credits a student has upon enrollment, and how they score on the math and literacy placement assessment.
  • The standard education track is made up of five eight-week terms. Each term is eight weeks long. Although students may take up to five classes per term, three courses are average.
  • A student coming in at the eighth-grade level can complete their four-year high school program in two years at The Baltimore Excel Center.

Do you have to be a Baltimore City resident?

No, but you must be a resident of the state of Maryland to enroll.

What childcare is offered?

We have a Drop-In Center that students may utilize while they are in class only. Reservations are required weekly, and placements are granted on a first-come, first-serve basis